Manuscript Submission:
Journal of Advanced Signal Processing (JASP) utilizes online journal management system to peer review manuscript submissions. All manuscripts are treated as confidential. The manuscripts that are not prepared in accordance with the journal's format are returned to the author and will not be included in the evaluation process. Each manuscript is peer-reviewed by at least three independent, anonymous expert reviewers. Upon submission, the authors confirm that they have given due consideration to the protection of intellectual property associated with their work and that there are no impediments to publication, including the timing of publication, with respect to intellectual property.
According to our journal policy, corresponding author must be a faculty member of universities, research centers or higher education institutions with at least the rank of assistant professor. Therefore, students are not accepted to be as a corresponding author. Also, after the acceptance of the manuscript, no changes are possible in the authorship including addition, deletion, or rearrangement of the author names.
The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used a work, this work should be appropriately cited or quoted. Plagiarism takes many forms, from passing off other authors’ paper as the author’s own paper, to copying or paraphrasing substantial parts of other authors’ paper without attribution, to claiming results from research conducted by others. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
The similarity of submitted manuscript (the plagiarism checker software result) should be less than 20%.
Copyright and Originality
The JASP needs the publishing rights in order to publish and disseminate the research papers. This is determined by a publishing agreement between the author and the JASP. This agreement deals with the transfer of the copyright to the JASP, and authors retain significant rights to use and share their own published papers. The JASP supports the need for authors to share, disseminate and maximize the impact of their research. In this regard, the authors should download, fill up and sign the Copyright Form as the statement of originality and the publication agreement. Therefore, they grant broad publishing and distribution rights to the JASP, including the right to publish the paper on its website.
Style of a Manuscript for Review
Please use the following template for preparing the manuscript: JASP Template for Papers
First Submission
The following files are required during first submission: 1) Both the Word (.docx) and PDF (.pdf) files of main manuscript, 2) Signed Copyright Form (in PDF), 3) Signed Conflict of Interest Form (in PDF).
a) Please rename the main manuscript as "JASP-yy-mm-dd.docx" and "JASP-yy-mm-dd.pdf", where yy: Year, mm: Month, dd: Day. As an example: "TJEE-1400-07-14".
b) Please upload the word file of paper (JASP-yy-mm-dd.docx) through "Main Manuscript File" and the PDF file of paper (JASP-yy-mm-dd.pdf) through "Supplementary File" options.
c) Please fill out and sign the Copyright Form and the Conflict of Interest Form and upload their PDFs through "Supplementary File" option.
d) Please avoid uploading any other unnecessary file such as "Figures", "Tables", "Tex/Latex Files", "Graphical Abstract" and so on.
e) Introducing at least 5 "suggested reviewers" is necessary in first submission. The suggested reviewers should be academic staff with at least "Assistant Professor" position.
f) The required fonts can be downloaded from the following link: JASP Fonts.
During revision submission, the following files are required:
1) Both the "Word and PDF files of Revised Manuscript", in which the changes have been highlighted. Highlight all changes made in the revised manuscript by either using colored fonts or any other marker. To improve the readability, please use different color for addressing the comments of specified reviewer.
2) "Response to the Reviewers File", which is a separate document listing the changes made in the revised manuscript and explaining how these changes effectively address all reviewer's and editor's comments.
Funding or Financial Support
The author(s) are required to disclose any funding or financial support they have received for their research as follows:
"The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of …………….for this research under grant number................... ".
Acceptance and Publication Cost
Currently, in order to promote research worldwide, JASP does not request APC or publication fee. Nor does JASP charge per pages or for any other items for which other publishers are known to charge. Therefore, JASP is free Open Access to both authors and readers. Since there is no fee to publish an article in the JASP, the journal provides no waiver or discount on publication fees for authors.